“A child is born on that day and that hour when the Heavens are in mathematical harmony with one’s individual karma.”

– Paramahansa Yogananda



Sharon Zimmerman


Are you looking for answers to questions about your current life situation? The quest for knowledge, truth, love and happiness is as old as life itself.

An astrology reading is a powerful tool that helps put your life into perspective. Whether you need to affirm your life path or have specific questions about relationships, choices, and events in your life, an astrology reading can increase your understanding and self-awareness.

A one-hour chart consultation will offer you valuable insight into your past and present life. This provides you with opportunities to consciously choose the direction that works best for you in every facet of your life.

Consultations also make a unique and thoughtful gift to celebrate the birthday of someone special, a birth of a child, the marriage of two people or for any reason at all.

Gift certificates are available.

e-mail: Sharon@AstrologyInsight.net
phone: (360) 931-6208